Receptive Language
- Has a receptive vocabulary of approximately 20,000 words
- Understands ‘left’ and ‘right’
- Can follow 3 step directions and multi-step commands
- Understands WH questions (who, what, when, where, why & how)
- Able to recall information that was presented verbally
- Engages in conversations
- Understands most concepts of time
Expressive Language
- Names some letters, numbers and currencies
- Sequences numbers
- Uses increasingly more complex descriptions
- Uses a sentence length of approximately 6 words
- Recites the alphabet
- Counts to 100
- Uses most morphologic markers appropriately
- Gives directions
Articulation/Verbal Output
- Consonants mastered: m, n, w, h, ing, y, b, p, t, d, k, g, f, v, l, sh, ch, th, r, s, z, r-blends, s-blends, l-blends
- Most parts of speech and grammar are acquired
- Mastery of exceptions to grammatical rules
- Uses and comprehends passive sentences
- Recognizes up to 200 sight words
- Uses context clues to decode unfamiliar words
- Self corrects reading mistakes
- Able to create a story that contains story elements (setting, characters, etc.)
- Able to create a story that follows a logical sequence and incorporates emotions, consequences, resolutions, etc.
- Able to match all sounds with the letter (s)
- Understands rhyming concepts
- Able to segment and blend syllables to form words
- Reads about 60 words per minute
- Can read about 100 sight words
- Identify sounds in short words
- Match spoken words with print
- Start answering questions requiring them to think critically about what they have read