Receptive Language
- Understands approximately 2800 words
- Follows directions to put away toys
- Understands spatial concepts, such as "behind" or "next to"
- Points to red, blue, yellow and green
- Understands complex questions
- Understands basic qualitative concepts (soft/hard/smooth)
- Comprehends size vocabulary
- Identifies crosses, triangles, circles, and squares
- Stays with one activity for 11-12 minutes
- Can follow a two-part unrelated command
- Knows most body parts
- Knows who is a boy or girl.
- Pays attention to a short story and answers simple questions about it
- Understands concepts of numbers up to 3
- Answers questions about object’s functions
Expressive Language
- Has a spoken vocabulary of approximately 900-2000 words
- Asks many questions although more interested in how answers fit his/her own thoughts rather than just the explanation
- Has a sentence length of 4-8 words
- Lists items that belong in a category, such as animals or vehicles
- Talks about experiences at school, at friends’ homes, etc
- Asks “who?” and why?”
- Answers "why" questions
- Begins to use complex sentences
- Describes how to do things, such as painting a picture
- Can relate name and address along with age and gender
Articulation/Verbal Output
- Consonants mastered: m, n, ing, w, h, p, b, t, d, k, g, y, f
- Speech is understandable, but makes mistakes pronouncing long, difficult, or complex words, such as "hippopotamus"
- Is approximately 90% intelligible
Pragmatic/Social Language
- Wants to please friends
- Wants to be like friends
- Agrees to rules more easily
- Likes to sing, dance and act
- Knows the difference between fantasy and reality
- Expresses likes and dislikes
- Shows increasing independence
- Seeks new experiences
- Demonstrates both demanding and cooperative behaviors.
- Uses some irregular past tense verbs, such as "ran" or "fell"
- Uses contractions such as “it’s a” or “there’s a”
- Uses grammatically correct sentences
- Uses regular past tense correctly
- Uses plural forms correctly
- Reads some sight words
- Begins matching words heard to words on the page
- Recognize and match letters to sounds
- Recognize the beginning and ending of sounds and letters in simple words
- Sounds out simple words
- Can answer Who, What Where, When, Why and How questions as they relate to a story
- Uses story language during play
- Can put a story in order
- Make predictions about what happens next in a story
- Sound out new words using word families
- Start reading books or ask to be read to
- Begins writing